The Latest in Valorant Lore

Agent Lore

Agent 01



Brimstone is a powerful commander that utilizes incendiary grenades, smokescreen airstrikes, and rapid-fire-inducing stim beacons to damage enemies and buff teammates. His impressive Orbital Strike ultimate summons an enormous laser that destroys anyone who doesn't move out of the radius fast enough.

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Agent 02



A predator that deals in poison and chemical warfare. Viper deploys an array of poisonous chemical devices to control the battlefield and cripple the enemy’s vision. If the toxins don’t kill her prey, her mind games surely will.

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Agent 03



A man with mysterious origins, Omen is focused on hindering the vision of his enemies with things like an orb that strikes those in his sights with nearsightedness and another that bursts to obscure the vision of everyone nearby. He can also teleport a short distance, or use his ultimate to teleport anywhere on the map as a shadow.

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Agent 04


The genius of Germany. Killjoy secures the battlefield with ease using her arsenal of inventions. If the damage from her gear doesn't stop her enemies, her robots debuff will help make short work of them.

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Agent 05



Cypher is a one-man surveillance network who keeps tabs on the enemy’s every move. No secret is safe. No maneuver goes unseen. Cypher is always watching.

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Agent 06



Sova tracks, finds, and eliminates enemies with ruthless efficiency and precision. His custom bow and incredible scouting abilities ensure that even if you run, you cannot hide.

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Agent 07



Sage creates safety for herself and her team wherever she goes. Able to revive fallen friends and stave off forceful assaults, she provides a calm center to a hellish battlefield.

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Agent 08


Hailing from Australia, Skye and her band of beasts trail-blaze the way through hostile territory. With her creations hampering the enemy, and her power to heal others, the team is strongest and safest by Skye's side.

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Agent 09


Phoenix’s star power shines through in his fighting style, igniting the battlefield with flash and flare. Whether he’s got backup or not, he’s rushing in to fight on his own terms.

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Agent 10



Jett’s agile and evasive fighting style lets her take risks no one else can. She runs circles around every skirmish, cutting enemies up before they even know what hit them.

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Agent 11



Forged in the heart of Mexico, Reyna dominates single combat, popping off with each kill she scores. Her capability is only limited by her raw skill, making her highly dependent on performance. Reyna has the passive ability of Soul Harvest, enemies killed by Reyna leave behind Soul Orbs that last 3 seconds. Soul Harvest abilities consist of Devour and Dismiss which have a shared usage pool.

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Agent 12



Raze loves explosives. With her blunt-force-trauma playstyle, she excels at flushing entrenched enemies and clearing tight spaces with a generous dose of "boom".

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Agent 13


Breach fires powerful, targeted kinetic blasts to aggressively clear a path through enemy ground. The damage and disruption he inflicts ensures no fight is ever fair.

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